jeff clark livestream


Former USAF Officer & Author

paul vecchiet

Paul Vecchiet is a former USAF Civil Engineering Officer turned author exploring the hidden truths about humanity’s place in the universe.

In this episode with Paul we discuss the military industrial complex, US Government secrets, extraterrestrials, and fiction headlines that are more fact than wild conspiracy stories.

Paul also goes into detail about his real-life discovery of blueprints for an underground cryogenic facility beneath a military warehouse-turned secure building and other eye-opening encounters during his time as an Air Force officer and government civilian.

Is humanity’s spiritual growth critical for survival?

Do aliens view Earth as a threat–dangerous & primitive yet intelligent and ethically deficient?

What is the government hiding, and why does the military industrial complex do with current intelligence information?

His new book THE DISCLOSURE PARADOX is out now, and you can get a copy of the mind-bending book below!

Get your copy here on Amazon.

the disclosure paradox paul vecchiet

A mind-bending peak behind the curtain that questions humanity’s place in the universe, and how honest our own government has been about previous events in our universe’s history.

Jeff Clark

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