barnes and noble

Chris Schafer

“Jeff’s book lays out such a solid foundation for those looking to kickstart their careers, or hoping to refine their leadership skills.”

– Chris Schafer

CEO of Tactical 16 Publishing

Retired Green Beret

TR Matson

“If you are trying to build your empire, learn from those that have gone before you. This is a must-read.”

– Former Navy E-8C Hawkeye & F/A-18 Pilot

Author of “Treason Flight”

George Randle

“Simple doesn’t mean easy.  But finding simplicity, getting focus and down to the basics is often one of life’s biggest challenges.  Found in these pages are a pathway, a guide, your personal simple algorithm to get you to exactly that – your mission, purpose, your why.  Simple but not easy, enlightening, and entertaining, a must read to find your “truths.”

– Former Army, Author of “The Talent War” & Managing Partner of the Talent War Group

Chef Drew Ward

“Clark has written a no-nonsense  leadership book that we need now more than ever. The one that makes you look in the mirror and ask, “are my actions that of a leader of others or are they only self-serving?”

– Executive Chef, Artisanal Brewing Ventures

Hear These Truths
The Leadership Algorithm
The Leadership Algorithm
The Leadership Algorithm
hear these truths release party