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Lewis Manalo

US Army Veteran, Executive Producer

C0-Founder, Old Glory Studios

lew manalo old glory studios

Lewis Manalo, a US Army Veteran and co-founder of Old Glory Studios joins the live stream to talk about his time in combat, video games, and getting control of the “Clancyverse”.

Lewis was the lead writer for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Breakpoint and Ghost Recon: Wildlands, and was responsible for wrangling the multiple titles in the Tom Clancy video games series affectionately known as the “Clancyverse” at video game developer Ubisoft.

Now, Manalo is continuing his success in the video game industry with Old Glory Studios. Old Glory Studios recently announced its upcoming game Victory’s Grave: Outflank, an intense team-based PvP shooter set in a post-apocalyptic version of 1980s Eastern Europe. This first game in Old Glory’s portfolio is in line with the studio’s brand of Combat Games Made By Combat Veterans.

Check out Old Glory Studios here.

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