Cancel Culture. It seems like lately everything has been under the microscope. I’d like to say that nothing has been exempt from this, but we as a country have been very selective about what we put under that microscope. That however, is a discussion for another day.
The purpose of this blog is to turn the negativity around this cancel culture phase into a positive thing. Maybe change some minds in the process? I can only hope so.
So, to start, let’s talk about why this is so negative. It’s negative because people don’t agree, and people are perceived as being too sensitive. Canceling Dr. Seuss because it’s racist? I never saw that coming. However, some people did which is why in a conversation we would disagree. But, the point is seeing the other person’s side of things and not arguing just to argue.
Because Washington does enough of that for us, and what they don’t do the media makes sure to fill in the gaps.
This country has just become a melting pot of constant arguments about the littlest things, and the media blows them up.
So, my call to action for all of you reading this is…turn all this negative noise into a positive. You want to really change the world? Well, cancelling Dr. Seuss books is not the solution. But what is the solution is being active in your community.
Now, I’m not going to just preach all this without putting my money where my mouth is. If you are going to talk the talk, you have to be willing to walk the walk as well. It’s important to be a role model for the things you speak about, which is why politicians have little to no credibility anymore. They say one thing and then do the other. You must wear your mask in public and stay away from public places, but because I’m a senator I can still get my hair done in a private salon that by law, is technically closed. Hipocrites.
I’m leading by example, and I encourage all of you to do the same. As a veteran it’s important to me to help other veterans, and military spouses. I want to give back to the community that gave so much to me. In my eyes a veteran is a veteran, doesn’t matter the branch of service or the color of their skin. You are a brother or a sister to me.
What I do…
The Enduring Campaign
Give to the Enduring Campaign. They are supporting veteran shelters by collecting supplies, goods, and even money to support these shelters and centers. I give consistently to them, so check them out. and follow them on social media.
Veterati is a FREE online veteran mentorship platform. You can sign up as a mentee, or as a mentor, or even both! It’s great because you create a profile from your LinkedIn info, and it creates a profile for you that can be matched to other veterans seeking similar help. So if you are a business expert, it will match you up with other veterans looking to start a business, go to business school, or just seek some help with their existing business. It’s FREE! Go check them out at and feel free to check out my Veterati profile and contact me: Jeff Clark Veterati
Vets 2 Industry
Vets 2 Industry might be my favorite out of all of these. This is a powerful organization composed of entirely veteran and veteran advocate volunteers creating opportunities for transitioning veterans, military spouses, and existing veterans to land jobs.
In fact, I attended one of their virtual networking events to see what it was all about and got a job offer! I wasn’t even looking for a job, just seeing what the company put on. But that’s the power in networking!
So, go check out and follow their CEO, Brian Arrington on Linked here.
And while you are at it, follow them on IG and Twitter. I just might know the guy who runs their Twitter account…(it’s me). @vets2industry
Help Me Turn this Into a Positive…
We don’t need to cancel everything we disagree with. In fact, it’s really a negative waste of time, and we don’t need negativity right now. I don’t care who you are, or where you are from, but what I do care is about you as a fellow American, a person, and the fact that you shouldn’t have to live in a world surrounded by negativity. It’s bad enough that our government is full of it, we don’t need it in our daily lives.
So, what will you do to help me with this? We have to turn this “cancel culture” around into more positives! Drop a comment below and share your thoughts, or the things you are already doing!