Getting caffeinated:
Black Rifle Coffee Co. Pink 79
In this new blog post we review the Exclusive Coffee Subscription for April 2024–Pink 79 from Black Rifle Coffee Company
Company Background
I think everyone knows about Black Rifle Coffee Company (BRCC). Founded by Evan Hafer alongside Mat Best and Jarrod Taylor, BRCC started in Evan’s home and on his deployments while on active duty. Then, his passion turned into a business when he met Mat and JT through some of their business ventures and then boom, BRCC was born (long story short…).
Now one of the largest and most popular coffee companies in the world, BRCC has everything from t-shirts and swag, to a podcast, coffee clubs including an exclusive coffee club subscription, and even public trading on the stock exchange. But, BRCC hasn’t been without some controversy in recent years, but readers/coffee addicts/fans should research the facts. Don’t listen to the rumor mill. And don’t let BS get in the way of good coffee.
Starbucks, Target, and even Wal-Mart have all sourced plenty of their products from questionable places, faces, and supported controversial political figures and global causes. Have you stopped buying from them? I for one, don’t let political BS or other BS get in the way of what makes me happy, and neither should you. Keep reading for a review on a great cup of coffee.

The Roast:
Pink ’79, an Exclusive Coffee Subscription offering for April 2024. Of Brazilian origin, Pink 79 is a medium roast, full body selection with an overall score of 86.25 according to BRCC. Grown in the Minas Gerais region under an Anaerobic processing method, the selection was grown at 1,500 MASL (height above main sea level).
Anaerobic processing is the process in which cells can break down sugars to generate energy in the absence of oxygen. What does this have to do with coffee? Well, it’s important in flavor production. In this process coffee beans are fermented “without air” in a stainless-steel tank for several days so that microorganisms can turn natural sugars into acids and ethyl alcohol, resulting in deeper flavors. It’s been billed as the next big trend in coffee according to some experts (read more at Coffee Semantics below).
The cool thing about the ECS roasts is that they come with a recipe card, with suggestions on how to prepare the roast for the ultimate cup to get maximum flavor out of the hand-selected brew. Each card contains the instructions on how to prepare the roast for an Aeropress, Chemex, or a Patio. For this review, I chose a Chemex.

The card calls for 30 grams of coffee, ground into a medium grind. Then, it calls for 510 grams of water at 204 degrees, brewed for 4-4:30 minutes total. I watched closely as I poured the water in and didn’t really pay much attention to the time. When I brew in a Chemex I usually wait until the drip slows down to a drop every 8—10 seconds and then call it good. Overall time to prep and brew is usually around 10 total minutes.
The Result:
This is a favorite of mine. I love the flavor profile and the simplicity. It’s coffee flavored coffee but feels more advanced and satisfying, a rich result of the Anaerobic Processing method. You get a smooth sweetness that you would expect in a light roast without the bite, but a good aftertaste like a medium roast with tons of flavors.
As their description states, Pink 79 is a full- body roast with sweet notes of cherry, chocolate, and lemon zest. I don’t taste the lemon, but I do sense the cherry and the richness of the chocolate. This is a great micro lot that BRCC has come up with and I really hope to see this offering more often!

Exclusive Coffee Subscription
$25-30 – Buy Here on BRCC

Jeff's Coffee Guide
Amazon- Shop Here

Gooseneck Kettle
$69 – Buy Here
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