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Course of Action is the place to be for the biggest guests, including bestselling and NY Times bestselling authors, veteran entrepreneurs, and subject matter experts in intelligence, foreign policy, law enforcement, and more!

UFOs & Government Secrets: Is Earth a Grave Threat to the World?
PAUL VECCHIET Former USAF Officer & AuthorPaul Vecchiet is a former USAF Civil Engineering Officer turned author exploring the hidden truths about humanity's place in the universe. In this episode with Paul we discuss the military industrial complex, US Government...
Listen and Watch Below
Cocaine Sharks: The Intense Story Behind Bobby Chacon’s Wild Adventures
Bobby ChaconEpisode 116: Cocaine sharks, First FBI Diver & Criminal MindsMy guest today is Bobby Chacon, the FIRST full-time FBI diver, creator of the FBI Dive Team and the Underwater Forensic...
David List
DAVID LISTEpisode 119: What are the odds?Our guest today for episode #119 is Hollywood producer turned Author, David List. A native New Yorker, David List began his career in the mailroom of the New...
Jack Stewart
JACK STEWARTEpisode 118: Navy Swim calls, new books, and carrier lifeNavy fighter pilot (Top Gun) and author Jack Stewart returns in this episode to talk about Navy swim calls, his next book BOGEY...
Steve Urszenyi
STEVE URSZENYIEpisode 117: OUT IN THE COLDSteve Urszenyi returns in this episode to celebrate the release of his second book, Out in the Cold. Steve served in Toronto for over thirty years as a...
Robin Dreeke – Recruiting Spies
Robin DreekeEpisode 116: Behavior analysis and recruiting spiesRobin Dreeke, best-selling author, professional speaker, and retired FBI Special Agent and Chief of the Counterintelligence Behavioral...
AM Adair – Crafting the Perfect Serial Killer
AM AdairEpisode 115: Crafting the perfect serial killerIn episode 115 we welcome back AM Adair, former Navy Chief Warrant Officer, Intelligence professional, and master thriller author who is...
Jack Carr: Targeted: Beirut, Terminal List, and Best Defense
Jack CarrEpisode 113: Targeted: Beirut, Terminal List, and Best DefenseFormer Navy SEAL and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Jack Carr joins me in episode 113 and we discuss all things going on...
Taylor Moore: Former CIA Officer Survives a Russian Arctic Research Vessel
Taylor MooreEpisode 112: Bolivia Jungle, Russian REsearch Vessels in the arctic, and West TexasTaylor Moore, former CIA Officer stops by to discuss his new book COLD TRAIL, as well as stories about...
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