False ideas destroy you.

We often believe our own bullshit. It’s toxic.

As businessmen/women we throw around advice all the time. We tell people that we don’t deal with toxic leadership, bad advice, and people who clearly don’t know what they are talking about. It’s said all the time as free advice to others…

But are we also listening? Or are we listening to other false ideas?

The idea of being an entrepreneur is great, and we flaunt it like it’s great, but how many of us really follow the same advice? If you are an entrepreneur, what are you doing? Is it a flashy title or a state of mind?

How many of us lead ourselves?

False ideas about yourself destroy you. So do we lie to ourselves just to give confidence to others? Are we taking servant leadership too far? Or are we filling our own heads with false ideas?

When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you change your clothes? Are you now wearing a fancy suit, fancy glasses, looking all special? Or do you see the same person, with the same drive and ambition? Jeans, t-shirt, and All-stars on? Ready to work?

As a result, do you change who you are in order to be what you want to be? If so, why? Changing who you are in order to achieve goals isn’t necessary, especially today. You can actually still be you, and achieve whatever you want, without selling your soul to the devil.

Almost every profession allows it to some degree (except for politics). You don’t need to lie to yourself, or to others, in order to find success.

That’s the problem today. We give ourselves false senses of success and ideas and it absolutely destroys us. Now that is toxic.

How many of you actually follow your own advice? I’m not questioning to be rude, I’m questioning to promote thought. Seriously, think about it. Do you follow your own advice or just give it out?

False ideas about yourself destroy you. Don’t let it.

(As originally posted on my LinkedIn page here.)
